The Isabel Sessions
The Isabel Sessions are a live music series featuring artists of all genres. Growing into an episodic series, The Isabel Sessions are filmed and recorded live in The Rehearsal Hall of the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, directed and filmed by Make Hay Media with sound recording and mixing by Aaron Holmberg of Full Frequency Productions. The Isabel Sessions were generously sponsored by the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, Queen’s Film & Media, and the Kingston Film Office.
“Sunflower” by Solomon Woodland
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
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“First” by Your Paris
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
Production Company
“The Middle Class” by the winter in canada
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
Production Company
“Falling Down” by Solomon Woodland
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
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“The Internet” by Your Paris
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
Production Company
“Computer Computer” by the winter in canada
Produced by Make Hay Media as part of the Isabel Sessions.
Production Company
New Music Video Initiative
The Kingston Film Office is excited to have supported more than a dozen Kingston-based production companies on the creation of new music videos. These music videos were produced in January and February 2020, and were offered as production exercises for the local community with a cash contribution to each production company and an honourarium per community participant. All told, more than 200 members of the community were involved in production.
“Good News” by Deux Trois
Produced by Raven Adamson, Nuno Ramalho & Dmitry Uchitel
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“Sunny Ways” by Oakridge Ave
A Happy Kid Production in association with Hot Potato. Directed by Jay Middaugh
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“The Lottery” by The Meringues
Produced by Make Hay Media
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“Always Growing” by Bon Evans
Produced by SkEye Stream Inc

YGK Music is a City of Kingston local music pilot project, in partnership with Kingston Accommodation Partners and Visit Kingston, that showcases and promotes local music and musicians from Kingston’s homegrown talent through curated playlists. These playlists have been made available for listening on the City of Kingston website and call waiting system, the Visit Kingston music page, and at various City properties.