Deep Water Dock

Technical specifications
Bollard Strength Review: 9 land and dock bollards as 50MT Bollards
Dock Length: From Dock Survey, Kingston Coal Dock length is 81m (265.7ft)
Updated Notice to Mariners: Following the autumn 2021 hydrographic survey at the Kingston Coal Dock. From the Notice to Mariners:
“On the promontory east of Lake Ontario Park Campground, there is a wharf, once used to receive coal for a nearby heating plant. While no longer utilized to receive coal shipments, recent hydrographic surveys have found the approaches to the wharf to be clear of obstructions and a least depth of 4.6 metres is found alongside.”
Supporting documents:
Accessibility Dock at Confederation Basin
Tenders need to enter at the southern entrance between the breakwall and then proceed to shore.
The overall length of the dock is 135ft. The first section (slightly wider) is 44ft and the second section is 91ft.
Water depth in that area ranges from 8ft 1inch to 9ft 6inch along the dock. This may change in different seasons of the year.
The accessible dock is a registered occasional use marine facility (OUMF) with transport Canada for tender boats to land.
More Information
Noelle Piche
Travel and Tourism Development Specialist
Tel: 613-217-7962